Thursday, July 1, 2010

McDonald's Menu Swap: Big 'N Tasty out, Oatmeal in

A Chicago Tribune article posted today, describes how McDonald's is changing their menu . The main change is that they are taking out the Big N'Tasty (which failed to compete with Burger King's Whoppper and are now planning to offer oatmeal as a breakfast option...

Wait, McDonald's and oatmeal/healthy eating in the same sentence? Crazy, huh? My mom always made me eat oatmeal when I was little and I thought it was the grossest thing in the world. But it makes sense. It seems like every mega-chain restaurant (i.e. Subway, Starbucks) are offering breakfast sandwiches, so the Sausage McMuffin is losing its edge. The test runs of the oatmeal, which will be apparently sold for $1.99, have been successful. Who knows, maybe McDonald's and Oatmeal can be like Wendy's and Chili?

It makes me wonder if McDonald's cares about their customers health or if it is just about making a profit and gaining a competitive edge on Burger King, Subway, and Starbucks. I'm not knocking McDonald's. For what it is, it has a great business model: fast, cheap food. McDonald's will never, ever be a bastion of health, so is it worth it to spend all the time developing healthy food items like oatmeal for the health-conscious people who probably don't go near McDonald's. It will be interesting to see how successful oatmeal will be on the McDonald's menu

1 comment:

  1. Well, I heard about this big news here first! I do go to McDonalds occasionally and its nice to know that IF I'm in a particularly healthy mood, which is bound to happen sooner than later, I can choose to eat oatmeal if I'm at MickeyD's. And you know too, Aaron that Granny (who lived to be 105 with a sound mind) usually ate oatmeal for breakfast. So it must be really healthy!
